Advice to Year 9’s Beginning their GCSEs

By Sam Forward. It has just become September, and you drag yourself to school, anticipating another questionable year of learning. Until you realise something is just beginning. GCSEs. The biggest examinations of your lives suddenly seem a lot closer, their malevolent aura striking fear into the hearts of you and all of your friends. What will you do? How can you be ready?

But alas. From the heart of the storm comes the white light of aid. Help and support from everyone who can give you the advice you need to excel. Parents. Teachers. Friends. And me. I am here to help. So here we go: 3 pieces of advice to make your GCSEs easier!

Number Three: Take as Many as Possible

This may sound hypocritical, misjudged or just plain stupid, but taking as many GCSEs as possible is a really good idea, and one that will help you later on. Although it is a lot more work, by taking more GCSEs, you put yourself ahead of others, helping you to stand out to colleges, sixth forms, employers and even universities. It shows that you can handle high amounts of pressure and stress, and achieve despite the burden it places upon you. However, if doing this would have a detrimental effect on your other GCSEs, then there is no shame in not taking them. But if you feel confident that you can perform at a high level in extra GCSEs, then do it!

Number Two: Make Your Revision Notes Now

As you get closer and closer to the exams, your subjects may ask you to make revision notes of past topics, or revise a certain unit for a test, or learn these key words for a speaking task. If you want to make the most of your GCSE revision, make your notes now. As I have found out, making notes when teachers ask for them uses up your crucial revision time when you get to year 11, time that is all too precious. To ensure you are best prepared, at the end of the school day, make revision notes on everything you have covered that day, and keep them organised by your subject. At the end of the week, test yourself on everything that you have learned that week. This way, you are not only ready for your exams, but are aware of your understanding of a topic, and gives you lots of time to ask for clarity with your teachers if this is required.

Number One: Make it Realistic

It’s no secret that the more you revise, the better prepared you will be for your exams. So it may make logical sense that doing eight hours of revision every day will put you in the best place for your exams. In reality, this may work against you. Not to mention, you know yourself. There are very, very few of you who would actually sit there for eight hours straight. Make sure you plan in breaks, and keep your revision down to what you know is possible for you. As long as you do this, and do it to the best of your ability, you will be ready on the morning of that exam.

As long as you follow this advise, and start preparing for you exams to the best of your ability now, you will be fully prepared for when the exams are ready, leaving you to walk in with a big smile on your face, knowing in full confidence that you are ready, and this is your moment to show off! "